10: Hallmark doesn't always have every message you want...sometimes you have to write your own message
9: The memories of making an item with your kids can be as precious as the actual gift of giving.
8: There are samples and ideas everywhere, who can resist???
7: Nothing says "I cared enough to make it myself" than...well, making it yourself.
6: You are translating your vision into something tangible.
5: Because I still love to see my mom brag about what I made today.
4: Eventually, everyone will grow out of the sweater they received for Christmas but your ornament will sparkle forever on the tree.
3: You are guaranteed that your gift recipient will put your homemade item in a place of honor.
2: Absolutely no way they are going to receive two of the same item.
1: Because it is made with LOVE
Here is my personal item that we worked on. Simple 4" wooden blocks decorated with Christmas pictures and paper.
With my Cricut machine the front of the blocks spell out MERRY. The other three sides are filled with photos. These are going to my folks for their table (my mom's special place).
Feliz Navidad
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