The store has officially hit it's third anniversary. Mommy's three year old baby is now old enough to be left alone for short periods of time soooooooo, I celebrated with my first trip to CHA (Craft & Hobby Association) Annual Trade Conference. My traveling buddy was my great friend Jean. This was a first time experience for both of us and I really don't think it could have gone better. It was held in Los Angeles and we stayed at the Kyoto Grand in Little Tokyo. The shuttle drove us through the Fashion District every day which had us talking Project Runway and laughing at what we endearingly called "butt row". I still can't get the "I like big butts" song out of my head.

In addition to the cart load of catalogs, samples and ideas we lugged home the experience was overwhelming in terms of all of the wonderful new things that will be offered to our customers. I am going to have a great time sharing all the fun new stuff. To be perfectly honest, I don't think I was ready for this conference until now. My customers have done a great job of educating me of what you want!! You are not going to be dissappointed.
On Day 1, we found Els of Elizabeth Craft Designs who will be here FEBRUARY 12th & 13th to teach four classes. Her booth was always packed and her friend Judie, Carol and daughter were all busy doing demos. The booth was always crowded and had a great buzz. Although we were in her booth at least once per day, I couldn't score this picture with her until the last 30 minutes that Jean & I were there. Tomorrow's blog will focus on Els and I couldn't be more thrilled that she is coming. These classes are going to be amazing. We have had guest instructors before but this one is going to be so technique based with the glitter it will be extremely enjoyable and successful. Again, more to come tomorrow!
I was so focussed on merchandising that Jean was the collector of information and taking awesome pictures of people, places and things. All to be shared over the next few days. The picture above is actually one I took. Taking the camera out of my bag was not something I did often. The samples were amazing. I am a crafter at heart but when you looked around at all the thousands of booths I just new my crafting heart is at level 3 (hobby, makes me smile) while there were so many others displaying their treasures and projects that were at level 9's and 10's. These levels are people that are blessed with talent, can convey emotions through their crafts and can make the world smile. This CHA trip for me was simply a dream come true.
BRAGGER!!! LOL! I can't wait to see everything!!! I might just have to swing by today! DEFINITELY!
ReplyDeleteOkay I'm jealous & I cried. Ha! not really but I have been wanting to go to CHA for YEARS! Yes, really. I got a taste of it by visiting so many blogs w/lotsa photos! =)