Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Turkey Drama

Nine days and counting until the big food fest is here. Asides from the fabulous food the biggest part of the day is sharing the love, laughter and happiness with family and friends who share your table. Don't forget to take the pictures!! I can honestly say this is the holiday I always seem to forget the camera. If my kids were writing this blog one of the smarty-pants would point out I tend to eat too much to stop and pick up the camera. But ladies and gents . . not this year.

I am so grateful for my three angels (aka smarty-pants), the continued success of my store and the new friends I have met here at PV that I am going to ensure that I capture the photos with pictures and then do something wild and crazy. I am going to JOURNAL!!!! Maybe it is my age or the sudden understanding that my babies are only babies to me and will begin to venture out on their own that I want to save this special moments.

Happy Thanksgiving! Capture your thankful moments and share them!

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